четверг, 19 июля 2012 г.

Chicken with rosemary and cream

Ingredients: 1 chicken (pieces without the skin), 2 medium onions, 2 medium carrots, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 small sprig of rosemary, ½ tablespoon pepper peas, 1 Cup of low-fat cream (10%)

1. Fry the pieces of chicken on all sides.
2. Сhop onion.
3. Mix the onions with the chicken and fry for 5 minutes.

4. Grate the carrot and garlic on a large grater.
5. Tear off the leaves on the one sprigs of rosemary, peas pepper crush with a spoon.
6. Put the vegetables with spices in a frying pan with the chicken and onions and fry for another five minutes.
7. Add the cream. Simmer on low heat for at least 10 minutes, until the chicken is ready.

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